
Lately there isn’t much in the beauty industry that truly innovates. But that didn’t stop the co-founder sisters Sharanjit (Sharan) Deol and Satvinderjit (Sati) Bains from developing a brand that is a true fix...
Lately there isn’t much in the beauty industry that truly innovates. But that didn’t stop the co-founder sisters Sharanjit (Sharan) Deol and Satvinderjit (Sati) Bains from developing a brand that is a true fix...

How This One Brand & its Ads Made it Uncool to ...
It doesn’t matter how mentally strong you might be, advertising DOES influence you. In fact, many of the ways advertising impacts you is subliminal. Whether it's seeing the same ad...
How This One Brand & its Ads Made it Uncool to ...
It doesn’t matter how mentally strong you might be, advertising DOES influence you. In fact, many of the ways advertising impacts you is subliminal. Whether it's seeing the same ad...

Scratching the Itch: #5 Tips to Manage Sensitiv...
For a bodily region that’s hidden from plain sight, the armpits sure know how to make their presence known. A hard day, a tough meeting or a late deadline, and...
Scratching the Itch: #5 Tips to Manage Sensitiv...
For a bodily region that’s hidden from plain sight, the armpits sure know how to make their presence known. A hard day, a tough meeting or a late deadline, and...

How Does Our Deodorant + Concealer Really Work?
Yikes! Discoloration! You’re gorgeous, your dress is perfect and your hair is just how you want it to look. You’re ready to go. It’s only after you brush through your...
How Does Our Deodorant + Concealer Really Work?
Yikes! Discoloration! You’re gorgeous, your dress is perfect and your hair is just how you want it to look. You’re ready to go. It’s only after you brush through your...

Do You Have Deodorant Allergies? Maybe, Maybe Not…
Itching, rashes, discoloration: these are some of the unpleasant side effects that may occur as a result of deodorant use. The worst part is: in an effort to stop sweating,...
Do You Have Deodorant Allergies? Maybe, Maybe Not…
Itching, rashes, discoloration: these are some of the unpleasant side effects that may occur as a result of deodorant use. The worst part is: in an effort to stop sweating,...

The Glossary of Artificial & Natural Deodorant ...
While walking into a store (or shopping online), it can be easy to look at packaging, formula and reviews to make the best deodorant choice for your skin sensitivity, sweat...
The Glossary of Artificial & Natural Deodorant ...
While walking into a store (or shopping online), it can be easy to look at packaging, formula and reviews to make the best deodorant choice for your skin sensitivity, sweat...